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卒中中心类型:三级卒中中心 联系电话:0513-85052204

医院级别:三级甲等 通讯地址:江苏省南通市西寺路20号

医院简介: 南通大学附属医院由清末状元张謇先生创建于1911年。1994年被卫生部首批评定为三级甲等综合性医院,1998年被确定为国际紧急救援中心网络医院。医院实际开放床位2023张,占地面积9.1万平方米,建筑面积17万平方米。2016年总诊疗人次181.3万,出院病人8.83万人次,住院手术4.01万台。现有职工3000名左右,其中正高级职称270余人,享受国务院特殊津贴专家25人,博士生、硕士生导师300余人。 医院新一届领导班子任职以来,确立了以医疗为中心、以科技创新和人才培养为两翼的“一体两翼、强体健翼”发展战略,紧跟医药卫生体制改革形势,以综合目标管理责任制考核指标为抓手,扎实推进“医疗服务品牌建设工程”,坚持公立医院的办院方向,认真落实发展任务,不断加强基础管理,统筹推进学科建设、人才培养、技术进步,医疗质量与安全持续改进,科教兴院成效显著,党建与廉政行风建设扎实有效,医院文化特色鲜明。 临床医学为江苏省重点学科、博士学位授权一级学科,ESI排名跻身全球前1%,且排名不断前移。2016年医院首批通过国家卫计委干细胞临床研究机构认证,全国30家,江苏省仅2家。医院手外科为江苏省临床医学研究中心;神经疾病诊疗中心为江苏省“科教强卫工程”十大“临床医学中心”之一,手外科、医学检验科、血液科、眼科为省“科教强卫工程”医学重点学科;普外科、骨科、眼科、消化内科、血液内科、医学检验科、心血管内科、神经内科、皮肤科、肾脏内科、呼吸内科、妇产科、神经外科、急诊医学科、医学影像科、耳鼻咽喉科、心胸外科、肿瘤科、整形外科、重症医学科、风湿免疫科、康复科(建设)等22个专科为省级临床重点专科。医院先后建成国家级博士后科研工作站、博士后科研流动站。拥有省“333工程”人才38人;省特聘医学专家2人;省“科教强卫工程”医学创新团队2个,医学重点人才2人;省“六大人才高峰”项目资助80人。现任中华医学会专科分会、专业学组委员及以上职务30人次;省医学会专科分会副主任委员及以上职务29人次。 医院先后荣获全国2015年改善医疗服务创新医院奖、全国卫生系统先进集体、全国医院管理年活动先进单位、全国医院文化建设先进单位、全国纪检监察纠风工作先进集体、全国模范职工之家、全国医药卫生系统创先争优活动先进集体、省卫生系统先进集体、省医院管理年活动先进单位、省、市文明单位、省卫生系统先进党组织、市民主评议政风行风先进单位、市“无红包医院”创建工作先进集体等荣誉。 The Hospital Affiliated to Nantong University was founded by Zhang Jian, the Number One Scholar in late Qing Dynasty in 1911. It was certified as first class comprehensive hospital by the Chinese Ministry of Health in 1994. It was identified as one of the Network Hospital of International Emergency Rescue Center in 1998. It again passed the on-site assessment of the First Class Hospital of Jiangsu Province in 2013. The hospital has 2023 beds, covers an area of 9.1 thousand square meters, with a construction area of 20 thousand square meters. In the year of 2016, 1.813 million patients were diagnosed and treated in this hospital, 88.3 thousand patients were discharged from this hospital, 40.1 thousand operations were conducted in this hospital. It has about 3000 staffs, among whom more than 270 staffs with senior titles, 25 staffs with the State Council Special Expert allowance and more than 300 staffs are supervisors of doctoral and master students.   Since the new leadership of hospital took office, the developmental strategy of “One Body Two Wings”, namely the medical service as the main body, technological innovation and talents training as two wings of the hospital, has been established. Closely following the steps of the national medical and health system reform, utilizing the reviewing mechanism of management responsibility, promoting the brand-building project of medical service, insisting on the value of serving the public, implementing the developmental programs, keeping on strengthening basic management, promoting the overall development of discipline construction, talents training, technological progress, this hospital has made continuous improvement of medical quality and safety, outstanding achievements in science and teaching, effective Construction of Honest and Clean Conduct of Party Members and Health Sector Moral, and developed hospital culture with distinctive characteristics.   This hospital clinical medicine, with doctorate program, is honored as the key discipline in Jiangsu Province. Its ESI ranks top 1% in the world, and the rank continually move forward. The hospital was certified as one of the first batch of stem cell clinical research institutions by the National Health and Family Planning Commission (30 hospitals in the country, only 2 in Jiangsu) in 2016. The department of hand surgery of this hospital is also the Clinical Medical Research Center of Jiangsu Province. The Nerve Disease Diagnosis &Treatment Center is one of ten clinical medical centers of "Science & Teaching Assisted Health Project" in Jiangsu Province. Department of Hand Surgery, Medical Laboratory Center, Department of Hematology, and Department of Ophthalmology are key disciplines of “Science & Teaching Assisted Health Project" in Jiangsu province. 22 disciplines including Department of General Surgery are the provincial key clinical disciplines. One national postdoctoral research workstation and one post doctoral research station were established in this hospital. It has 38 "333 project" -supported experts, 2 special medical experts of Jiangsu Province, 6 teams titled medicine innovation team of” Science & Teaching Assisted Health Project", 4 key medical talents, 80 staffs funded by provincial "Six Talents Peaks" project. One professor acts as the vice chairman of osteology branch of Chinese Medical Association, more than 30 staffs act as committee members of the branches of Chinese Medical Association, 5 professors act as chairman of provincial medical specialist branch and 25 professors act as vice chairman. Over 100 professors act as editors, reviewers or guest communication reviewers of the National Natural Science Fund Project, SCI journals and national level journals.   The hospital has won such a great number honors as Jiangsu Province Civilization Unit in years from 2013 to 2015, the National Medical Service Innovation Award in 2015, Model Unit in health system, Advanced Unit in national hospital management activities, Advanced Unit in national document-development program, Advanced Unit in national discipline inspection project, National Model Homes of Workers, Model Unit in national program of “Striving for the Best”, Advanced Unit in provincial health system, Advanced Unit in provincial medical management program, model units of civilization at both provincial and municipal level, Advanced CPCC Unit in provincial healh system, Advanced Unit in municipal reviewing of working style of government and practice of trade and Model Unit in building “No Red Envelope Hospital” at municipal level.